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Juan Almanza

Software Engineer

About me

Hi! I'm Juan, a 15 years old Software Engineer based in Colombia who is passionate about building social projects to improve the lives of less privileged communities.

I started programming when I was 12 years old, when I tried to create a text adventure (like in the 70s), in the attempt I learned Python, my first programming language and since then it has become my obsession, since then I have participated in multiple contests and won several awards and recognitions.

Featured Project



Searchy is a phone line that allows users to search the internet, even if they don't have an modern phone, and it has won the National Programming Contest in Third Place.

Now playing



AgroScan is a PWA that detects plant diseases with ML, even when offline.

Virufy Dashboard

Virufy Dashboard

Next.js interactive map dashboard for Virufy, with live data of shared data.



ASOFI.us is a website for my non-profit, building peace through STEAM.

My thoughts

"In love with Vercel"

Featured Writing

Your site is probably illegal

Your site is probably illegal

Many people think of website analytics as just another add-on. But it's much more complex than that. Learn how to make analytics protect the privacy of your users and learn how to do it easily.

An introduction to Git

An introduction to Git

Git allows us to manage, distribute and collaborate on our code so that it is organized and there is an efficient workflow when programming with several people, it will also help us to do things like going back to previous versions of our project.

Learning to code in Python: The Basics

Learning to code in Python: The Basics

Learn to program in Python, a high-level, interpreted, multi-paradigm language used for Web with Flask and Django, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science.

Our computers run on sand

Our computers run on sand

Yes, although it seems incredible what I am saying our economy works with sand. well, not exactly, it is a component of sand called silicon.

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